wot alex doodled

Just been to the Society of Authors CWIG conference and dashing into the studio to do some prep for tomorrow’s event at the Oxford lit fest, but thought I’d post this doodle that the writer and illustrator Alex Milway did in my notebook on Thursday night at Comica Social Club. (It’s me, wearing the Czech mole shirt that Viviane Schwarz bought me while she was in Germany.) Doesn’t look exactly like me but it’s such a fab portrait!

by Alex Milway

If you’re interested in meeting more people who make comics or are just interested in them, do pop along the last Thursday of each month to the bar at the Royal Festival Hall in London from 6-9pm for Comica Social Club. Even if you don’t know anyone, you can always spot a designated person wearing a green fez (usually Peter Stanbury, Paul Gravett or David O’Connell). It’s very casual, you can stay for five minutes or all night.

The other great monthly London comics event is Laydeez Do Comics, that takes place on the first Monday of each month at the Rag Factory, just off Brick Lane. It’s organised by Nicola Streeten and Sarah Lightman and the presentations usually feature female comics artists, although they’ve had male speakers and men are very welcome. And they’re always interested in people in the industry offering to speak, so get in touch if you’d like to talk about your work. It tends to run quite late, but if you like, there are always people around to go out for a curry afterward.

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