wool socks and dumplings
My lovely auntie from Glasgow came to spend the night and gave me some hand knitted socks she made. (Nice stripey ones, see above!) She also took us out for dinner to the Tate Modern’s restaurant. Here are a couple blurry little photos I took of the three of us on the South Bank.
Today I submitted a short story for the SCBWI anthology. I didn’t have time to write a new one, but I managed to dig up something I wrote for fun at least three years ago, and it still made me laugh, so I thought I’d give it an airing. On the way to the post office to send it, I saw the new Russian food shop that’s opened on our corner, and popped in for a peek. I got a bit too nostalgic and walked out with an armload of Russian groceries. I had pelmeni (‘The Dumplings’) with smetana for lunch and it was yummy. The weather’s pretty cold and windy right now, so wool socks and stodgy food seem just about right.
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