winter portrait
It’s not snowing in London, just so foggy that all I can see is white out the window … so it could be snowing, hooray! Here’s a self portrait featuring the fabulous monster hat I got in Seattle.
Now it’s time for a little whinging: I just got a cheque in the post from a small American magazine for an image they’re using, in US dollars. I was glad to be paid on time, but do some Americans not understand that other countries have different currencies? And the US dollar’s so piddling low that it’s hardly worth finding and taking the cheque to some specialist central London place that cashes foreign cheques and charges half of what it’s worth. This isn’t the first time it’s happened, and fortunately I just happen to know someone in the States who is kind enough to help me out with this kind of thing. (I have no such helper in Brazil, Borneo, Bangladesh, etc). Even after I asked the client to send it to my helpful person in the US, they ignored me and the cheque has to cross the Atlantic twice. I wonder if the problem even occurred to them. I could read way too much general stuff about my fellow Americans into this. Grrrrr. …Okay, end of whinging session.
On a better note, dlasky posted some great links to Persepolis trailers. I can’t wait to see the film! If you haven’t read the graphic novels yet, they’re brilliant, about a girl growing up during the Islamic Revolution in Iran. This trailer cracked me up, with its version of ‘Eye of the Tiger’:
Catherine Deneuve’s daughter sings it a bit more elegantly in this trailer, but it’s not quite as funny.
And Neil Gaiman pointed out that ‘there was far too much fun being had’ on Amazon reviewing Bic pens and Tuscan Milk. That’s hilarious.
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