the consequence of tea is cake

Hurrah! Polly Dunbar’s game of Consequences has finished, and you can read her post about it over on the Booktrust website and click through to the gallery. Here’s the final tattered and bedecked envelope:

Here are some twitterings about weekly tea and cake sessions (including a cake that kills knives) over on the Fleece Station blog. (I still haven’t quite worked out WordPress’s spacing between words and pictures.)

And, gosh, the Oxford lit fest is coming up soon! Really looking forward to running my second-ever When Titus Took the Train workshop and also going along to my friends’ event at noon, Candy Gourlay and Philip Reeve, with Lauren St John, who have all been nominated for the Blue Peter book prize. Don’t know if there are any tickets left for either event, but you can find out here on the Oxford lit fest website. Sun, 4 April, 4pm at Christ Church college, Junior Common Room

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