silly pirate playtime galore!
I’m off to the Edinburgh Book Festival tomorrow (two booked-up Schools Programme events), but before I go, I thought I’d leave you with some treats I’ve been making for you!
I’ve had so many people thank me for the other activity sheets I’ve posted on the website that I was quite excited to make some for my new book with Gillian Rogerson, You Can’t Scare a Princess!, coming out on 1 Sept. (One person even told me they already saw three copies in a shop!) So there are two different things you can print out and make over here on my website:
You can download the free Draw-a-Pirate sheets (lots of fun accessories, or you can draw on your own!).
And lots of ideas to make your own Pirate Treasure Map, and again, feel free to make your own! If you’re a bit older (hello, adults!), you can even draw gridlines and coordinates and get very technical, but if you’re a little ‘un and can just about hold a crayon, you can have fun just scribbling on the map page. So, fun for all ages. (And of course, there are loads of other fab downloads on the webpage for You Can’t Eat a Princess!)
And I just had to include this fab pirate that my little friend Dulcie drew for me today. (We were having a competition, who could draw the ugliest pirate and she won.)
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