off to scotland
Gary, Viv and I have been tossing around the idea of making a Christmas card for our studio, the Fleece Station, so yesterday I whacked out this little stamp for the back. Then I painted like mad, I’m trying to finish a book cover and it has loads of different coats of paint and it’s taking way too long.
If you’re swimming through the lake that is southwest Scotland this weekend, come along to my signing and workshop at the Box of Frogs in Wigtown from 10:30am. Even thought it’s supposed to be almost emergency weather conditions there, I’m really looking forward to having a short break with friends and my Glasgow Auntie (the one who knits me lovely socks).
BBC I-Player is showing a film starring Helena Bonham-Carter about the life of English writer Enid Blyton. I’m not sure if you can view it outside the UK, but Enid is showing there til Sunday night or Monday and it’s fascinating, if very depressing. It’s about a woman so self-absorbed in unresolved childhood grief that she can’t relate to people, who sustains herself on the love of people who don’t know her and treats her own family heartlessly. Not what I connected with Enid Blyton, I really hope it’s an exaggeration. 🙁
Hey, American comics artist Rachel Dukes (poisonrational) really needs help paying for her asthma medication. You can commission work from here at remarkably low prices here. I’ve already ordered my picture, do help her out if you can.
Writer and illustrator Anna Currey is organising a charity auction of illustration (preferably illustrations that have been in published books, with the book) to raise money for a very good charity called Facing Africa. It pays for surgeons to operate on the destroyed faces of people stricken with the Noma virus. (Warning: the photos are horrific.) The Royal United Hospital in Bath have said we can use their exhibition space for two months leading up to the auction, July and August, and the Royal Photographic Society and The Bath Photographic Society are probably going to lend us frames. If you think you can help out, could you send at e-mail to her agent, who will pass it on to her? (It’s jmarsh at unitedagents dot co dot uk.)
Oh, and here’s a good video Viv was showing Gary the other day, and I peeked over and started laughing. It’s a Russian version of how The Matrix would look if it was shot during the silent film era.
I’ll try to post some photos as soon as I get back from Scotland!
Edit: And I am very sorry to miss the Thought Bubble comics convention in Leeds. It’s gotten huge, everyone I know in comics is going to be there. Have a great time, guys!
Another thing, Morris the Mankiest Monster seems to have gone up a couple pounds in price on Amazon. Apologies about that! It’s because we’re all sold out in the UK, so they’re having to airfreight them super-quick from the printers in China. But it’s still cheaper than the cover price, so please don’t let that stop you from buying them as Christmas prezzies. 😀
… One more thing, a very funny video about client expectations over here at Jess Fink’s blog.
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