monsterville boutique snapshot
I’m sitting here coming up with monster hair style photos to hang next to the salon mirror in Monsterville. Here’s the latest. (I’m rather proud of his shirt pattern!) It seems very appropriate that Gary is blasting the latest Beastie Boys album in the studio.
There’s going to be a big Open Day party on Sat, 28 May for Monsterville at Stratford’s Discover centre, in northeast London. I’ll give you more news about that soon, but mark your diaries! It will be a great chance to explore the monster village and get involved in all sort of fun family activies.
Oh, and a bunch of writers of books for girls, including Fiona Dunbar, Leila Rasheed, Cathy Cassidy and Jo Cotterill have set up a brand-new group blog, Girls Heart Books. (Have a look there for all things girlie!) Okay, I’m off to set up my trainspotter blog now…
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