happiness in the post
Today my beautiful, beautiful beret arrived, knitted specially by knitfish! And my comic by Ben Powis, very cool. Powis’s layouts and pictures are gorgeous, with a slightly ’70s macramé-era look, lovely textures, and the story is a simple, mythical style quest that works very well. I’m not so keen on the shiny paper and heavy black borders, I think they detract from the delicate linework and colours, but I definitely want to keep an eye on what this guy’s doing.
If there’s any way you can get to Oxford on the 9th of August, mark your diaries for Caption! I’ll be doing a DFC panel with Garen Ewing, Kate Brown and Neill Cameron. The guy who originally hooked me up with the DFC work, Paul Gravett, will also be giving a talk, along with Nick Abadzis, Rian Hughes and Ilya. It’s going to be great!
I’m also taking part in a DFC Family Fun Day workshop at London’s Cartoon Museum on Saturday, 12 July. It runs from noon to 4pm, more details coming soon!
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