Monthly Archives: May 2012
protector of paddington
I have loads of stuff I want to post, but right now I need to keep my head down and press on to meet some big deadlines. But I had to show you what I saw at Paddington Station. Not … Continue reading
well done, good and faithful pirate hat
I now have my very own excellent pirate hat, thanks to my parents and fab photographer Ms Visioluxus from Portland, Oregon. (She took the photo you see on this version of China MiĆ©ville’s Kraken). So I this week I was … Continue reading
Ta, Gary. I’m being bullied on Twitter by a Barbra Streisand lookalike, and my oh-so-loyal studiomates are not helping matters. I shall deal with them later. Say… who do Gary and Lauren look like? Hmm. And… oh my! Someone made … Continue reading
book club: all fall down by sally nicholls
This weekend our book club discussed All Fall Down by the amazing Sally Nicholls! (You might have seen my earlier blog posts about her Ways to Live Forever book and film.) Our book club’s very informal, people still come when … Continue reading
mother’s day in north america
Oh wow, you totally have to read this comic by Canadian creator Kate Beaton, about the time her mum took her to see a friend to get help with her art school portfolio. It’s so real. (When you get to … Continue reading
geneva pirate invasion
This week I went on my first-ever trip to Switzerland! I used to pride myself on travelling lightly, just a tiny rucksack, but I never used to travel around foreign cities wearing big hats or dressed as a pirate. Some … Continue reading
a strange lull after the wild ruckus
I’m going to be away from the blog for a few days, but in the meantime, I wanted to pay tribute to the amazing picture storyman Maurice Sendak, who died today. He will be greatly missed; so many of us … Continue reading
stratford-upon-avon and the killer book-reading swans
Last time I took part in Stratford Literary Festival, I drew a variation on their logo swan, so this year I took it one step further, and scribbled this in the cafe: Every festival has its highlight, and this time … Continue reading
london’s free comic book day!
Yesterday was comics play day in Soho at Gosh! London, to mark the distributions of a whole bunch of great swag for Free Comics Book Day! And Kermit was the first person I saw when I arrived! And his comics … Continue reading
this one’s for mary mcintyre
My sister owns the Streamline Tavern in Seattle and she runs a tight ship. She’s a roller derby legend, she just bought chickens and she’s followed around by a death-cat named Vern. Death cat is round as a balloon and … Continue reading
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