who’s who at orbital comics!
Earlier this evening, Orbital Comics in central London (just near Leicester Square) hosted an exhibition of self portraits by a whole bunch of fab comics people, illustrators and cartoonists! I met Julia Scheele and Barnaby Richards at the entrance on Great Newport Street.
The show runs until 15 Oct, so do pop by if you’re in the area! Here’s my fab studio mate Ellen Lindner with her self-portrait, which includes our occasional studio dog, Momo. (Yes, the same Momo who did not just one but two book reviews for me!) You can see a larger version of Ellen’s picture here on her LiveJournal blog.
Here is the most excellent David O’Connell! Keep an eye on Dave, he’s editing an excellent new comics anthology called Ink + Paper and I cannot wait to see it. Have a look on the Ink + Paper website for some sneak peeks.
So did you ever wonder what some of these comics people look like? Well, wonder now more. David Hine, for starters, looked rather worryingly like his picture…
Here’s Sammy Boras, who came all the way over from Coventry for the evening, and who posts work as mangazebra on LiveJournal.
Thorsten Sideboard hails originally from Glasgow and has a very distinctive quiff…
I don’t know much yet about Julia Homersham‘s work yet, but I am going to remedy that.
I’ve known Joe Decie for ages from LiveJournal (joedecie) and comics fairs and besides being hugely talented, a nicer chappie you’ll never meet. He had two pictures on display.
Hurrah! The fab Timothy Winchester finally let me take his photo instead of hiding behind something knitted. (That’s Adam Cadwell looking over his shoulder.)
The lovely Josceline Fenton. Yup, that’s the same hair, I can see it!
You might know Richard Cowdry from excellent comics newspaper The Comix Reader.
I finally met Tom Humberstone, who only just lives around the corner from the Fleece Station. He’s one of the contributors to our soon-to-be-launched Nelson anthology and his work is lovely.
I need to go do some good exploring on the website of Gareth Brookes.
Here’s Cartoon Museum artist-in-residence Mark Stafford:
Very glad to meet Dan White for the first time.
And one last shot with Sammy, Ellen and Dave, who look deservedly well pleased with the show. You can find links to the other artists I didn’t manage to photograph over on the Orbital website here.
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