the final panel – airship 24
And thus concludes my comics jam with the magnificent David O’Connell! We hope you’ve all enjoyed the show, folks! Now I’m off on my hols… by airship, if the channel tunnel doesn’t reopen soon!
Dave is a total star; while I’m away for a few weeks, he’s going to print up the jam as a limited edition mini comic for the Birmingham International Comics Show, 4-5 October. Dave (tozocomic) is going to have a storming table, sharing it with the remarkable Will Kirkby (chamonkee). If you’re at BICS, go straight to their table, it’s not to be missed! If you don’t know them, the best way of spotting them is to look out for Dave’s Tozo comics, where he’ll be launching Tozo’s second chapter. Pick up a copy of Tozo and another of Airship while you’re at it!
Aw man, I’m going to miss these guys.
Edit Couldn’t resist one last little picture…
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