ten years!
I can hardly believe it, Stuart and I have been married for ten years! It doesn’t seem that long since we were at a party at our South African friends’ flat in Moscow and then we decided to go see what a Russian Orthodox Christmas service was like. (The Russians have their Christmas a bit late.) So after a bunch of us had been standing around in a church near Red Square for awhile, getting dazzled by candles, I worked up the courage to ask Stuart for his phone number. We didn’t even kiss for ages, because he was my best friend and I didn’t want to spoil anything if he didn’t fancy me that way, so everyone thought we were a couple for months before we actually were. The first time he kissed me was in the Kremlin Gardens and the next day I had to go to work and write headlines and photo captions for The Moscow Times and the following day’s newspaper read like total nonsense.
Hooray for Stuart! Putting up with a messy illustrator is not always easy.
This was for a different party, but look at the fabulous hat my sister made our of construction paper. (Just to add, the person wearing it is not my sister.)
Hee hee! I was really chuffed to get this photo from mangazebra of her Vern and Lettuce coffee mug:
Viviane, Gary and I move into our new studio this weekend! We’re so excited! More news on that soon…
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