Tag Archives: pspag2
diamond jubilee tuesday
Two exciting things happened on the last day of the Jubilee holiday weekend. One of them was going to Birmingham’s Book Bash festival and getting to see fancy Aston Hall and meet the Lord Mayor and a bunch of other … Continue reading
praeternatural curios and pirates at the pitt river museum
Edit: Thanks for the fab event write-up, Sam and Holly at Childtasticbooks! Last Thursday, I gave my new-model pirate hat an outing, to Oxford Bookfeast at the Pitt Rivers Museum and University Museum of Natural History. Now, I’ve always wanted … Continue reading
pirate shenanigans at imagine children’s festival!
Wow, yesterday was a BIG day! I’m still feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all, but in a good way. I led three storming pirate events for the IMAGINE Children’s Festival at the Royal Festival Hall on the Southbank. It’s … Continue reading
how to draw captain waffle!
Thanks, Molly Bruton, for this excellent drawing of Captain Waffle from my picture book You Can’t Scare a Pricess! (You might recognise Molly’s name from her comic reviews on the FPI blog.) Poor Molly just fell off a trampoline, broke … Continue reading
wigtown book festival 2011
Okay, the endless supply of lobster is not the only reason I love Wigtown Book Festival. But it is one of the reasons. Last Friday, Stuart and took the train to Carlisle, then hired a car and drove over to … Continue reading
fabulous princess spaghetti tea party!
Thanks so much to Natasha Worswick on her Bookish Bites blog for the great photos and recipes inspired by my Princess Spaghetti books with Gillian Rogerson! Both books, You Can’t Eat a Princess! (featuring chocolate-loving aliens) and You Can’t Scare … Continue reading
post-pirate-party pancakes at st pancras
Yummy Pancakes! Before Gillian Rogerson caught the train back up to Leeds after our fabulous You Can’t Scare a Princess! launch (pics here), I met her for a celebratory breakfast. It also just happened to be her birthday, a great … Continue reading
our big book launch! plus a madcap pirate draw-off…
Last night my new piratey picture book with Gillian Rogerson, You Can’t Scare a Princess! officially set sail from The Princess of Shoreditch in London’s east end. ARRRRR! Not only was it our book launch party, but it was also … Continue reading
catherine & i rock dublin with oliver jeffers & pj lynch!
My fabulous Scholastic UK publicist Catherine Alport and I took our pirates to Dublin and had such a swashbuckling adventure! Did you know that in Ireland you can get gelato that’s flavoured with puréed kittens?
lady drew monkey
First thing, Library Mice has posted a list of my Top Five Comics Crossover Picture Books. I get really excited about the ever-blurring boundaries between comics and picture books, and here are some of what I see as trailblazers. Go … Continue reading
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