Tag Archives: london
the cutty sark’s amazing relaunch!
Hurrah!!! After years of waiting, I got to see the Cutty Sark relaunched! I used to work aboard as Ship’s Illustrator, and I’ve spent a lot of time drawing that ship and her cargo. So when I got an invite … Continue reading
chris brown’s alphabet of london
I keep having this ideal for my blog, that every day I should post a new drawing. It’s tricky, when I spend all day drawing stuff my publishers don’t want me to show you yet. But here we go, a … Continue reading
pirate shenanigans at imagine children’s festival!
Wow, yesterday was a BIG day! I’m still feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all, but in a good way. I led three storming pirate events for the IMAGINE Children’s Festival at the Royal Festival Hall on the Southbank. It’s … Continue reading
morning greenwich coffee run and brainstorm
Just a few things from earlier today… Here are some notes I made for a story I’m co-writing with a friend. This is one of my favourite views in London, looking up Deptford Creek. I love the colours and the … Continue reading
a few more studio shots
I’ve started posting some photos directly to my Tumblr page from my camera, but I’ll post them here, too, so this blog is still where everything comes together. Here’s a shot I took of Vern (knitted by my studio mate, … Continue reading
last days of summer
No, summer is not over! NO NO NO. And I can say this confidently because Stuart has NOT ALLOWED it. There have to be some perks to your job when you work for the government. So we spent today’s late-summer … Continue reading
hiking thames marshes, or why you shouldn’t pop blackberries in your mouth without looking first
Aw man, isn’t this the cutest little snail you ever saw? Stuart’s finished hiking the Capital Ring around London, so he took me along on the first leg of the London LOOP (which stands for London Outer Orbital Path). Walking … Continue reading
I had a real weekend! No events, no studio work, well, quite a bit of house work, but it felt very good to have a two-day break, like people who have office jobs. My publisher has the thumbnail roughs for … Continue reading
rainy morning thames path
I just complained on Twitter that I couldn’t have got more wet on this morning’s cycle ride if I’d jumped right into the river. The heavy drizzle set in as soon as I got out of the Greenwich foot tunnel … Continue reading
electric avenue
Now playing at Radio Fleece Station… This song reminds me of when I first came to London. I bought my art paper from John Purcell‘s warehouse which led me to do a lot of exploring around the lively Brixton market … Continue reading
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