slapdash sam, terror of the west
This morning I set myself the task of drawing a horse VERY BADLY.
Anyone want to show me their worst drawing of a horse? (Feel free to post it in the comments!) They are rather fun and therapeutic to draw badly. The worse, the better.
If you’re looking for something to do in London or Cambridge this weekend, throw on your most elaborate cosplay outfit (I’m linking ‘cosplay’ cause I bet my mum doesn’t know what it means) and come along Saturday to London’s MCM Expo, where I’ll be sharing a table with Gary, and we’re right next to the DFC’s (and Beano’s) Laura Howell and not far from David O’Connell (tozocomic). You can buy a copy of Morris the Mankiest Monster for a tenner, and I’ll throw in a drawing and some sooper-dooper Morris badges.
And on Sunday I’m giving a talk and selling books in Cambridge at the Women in Comics conference, maybe see you there!
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