season of cakes and mellow fruitfulness

Look what Will Kirkby (chamonkee) is bringing down from Sheffield tomorrow! It is my favourite cake, coffee walnut, mmm. The suspense is killing me!

This has been a good season for cakes. I would have taken a picture of the Scotch Bun my auntie sent from Glasgow, except we ate it already. But here is the small remains of a larger chunk of gorgeous Christmas cake home baked by Dave O’Connell (tozocomic). Cake life does not get better than this. The cake is a bit rougher for wear, having been wrapped in foil and carried in my rucksack whilst cycling. But please to note the cut-out star detail on the side on the icing, just above the marzipan, a lovely touch there.

If you’re in London!: Tomorrow ztoical will be visiting London from Ireland, so a few of us, including Will, will be going along for drinks at the Black Lion pub in Kilburn. I think I’m going to get there about 8:30 or so, maybe see you there!

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