lunchtime sketch
I popped down to Greenwich and seeing the Urban Sketchers website put me in mind to do an architectural sketch. I didn’t have much time, so I went straight in with pen, and scruffed about a bit to give it more contrast with a fat marker I lifted from chamonkee. It looks more classical than my usual drawing, but I guess the building’s partly to blame for that.
Before I cycled home, I nipped into the shop and ran into eruditebaboon and his girlfriend in the checkout queue, just as he was deciding he was surviving enough not to pull a sickie from work today. (Have you seen the brilliant and utterly confusing comic he made yesterday?) Oo, and some lovely photos of the stairway in the library of Brandenburg University, thanks to a link from architect Robert Morrison.
Now I’m back and work and thinking how much I totally, totally miss my sister and can’t wait to see her in just over a week. She’s a die-hard Dolly Parton fan so I am in a cheesy mood and have this song playing at the moment. I really ought to draw Dolly next. Oh, here’s another… and one more.
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