klimb children’s illustration charity auction – 6 sept

Hey, would you like to buy this ink and watercolour painting I made? It’s a promotional piece for my book with Gillian Rogerson, You Can’t Eat a Princess!. It can be yours, possibly for a very reasonable price, along with artwork by top British children’s book illustrators such as Oliver Jeffers, Mini Grey, Bruce Ingman, David Roberts, Adam Stower, Alexis Deacon, Viviane Schwarz and Nick Sharratt.

It’s all in aid of charity, at an auction organised by fab illustrator/writer Garry Parsons. We’re even going to have an open drawing session on the evening, where you pay a small amount of money (£20?) and we draw on big paper whatever you tell us to. A great idea for gifts! And it’ll be good fun, too.

Mark your diaries! 6 Sept, 6pm for 7pm start, Core West End Quay, 1 South Wharf Road, London W2 1JB. RSVP to Garry via email… bachimitsu@btconnect.com or by calling 020 7732 4481. Find out more here…

Here’s Garry collecting the painting from my studio:

He’s local but he had never tried bubble tea at Panda Panda cafe down the road, so of course I had to remedy this.

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