karl ibou

Karl Ibou hates everything, even chips. And no one likes him, either.

But he likes going for walks to the bridge and looking out over the city at all the smoke coming from people’s chimneys. He decides he would really like someone to sit with him in front of his fire and tell him stories, and he could give that person handmade gifts. Karl Ibou goes out, but fails to make friends until he meets the Detestable Child.

I found the French edition of this lovely book in Brussels, by Italian writer and illustrator Beatrice Alemagna. I don’t love every page, but the pages I do love, I absolutely adore. Lovely colour palette, interesting textures and playful perspectives.

Here’s a picture when Karl Ibou cuts off his beard. (Be warned, beardies, this book is rather beardist.)

And look at these great endpapers! This book is packaged so beautifully.

Edit: My friend Mags writes: Did you know that ‘hibou’ in French is an owl?
You can buy it from the publisher, Autrement Jeunesse, from Amazon.co.uk or from Amazon.fr.

Exciting thing, Morris the Mankiest Monster appeared on CBeebies today! The presenter read it and showed the pictures, hilariously inappropriately placed for the LUNCHTIME story. Way to put everyone off their lunches, BBC! 😀 Suddenly I notice Morris is out of stock – again – on Amazon.co.uk, but there are still some copies left from the alternative sellers. I’m hoping the BBC will post the clip on CBeebies iPlayer so I can link it here… fingers crossed!

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