i miss my sister

My sister and I have started calling each other on Skype, but we’re still in the rudimentary stages. I need to get one of those headset thingies so I don’t have to bend over sideways and talk to the underside of my computer. And I want to get a webcam, because my pooter’s old enough that it doesn’t have one built in. (But I will get the headset before the web cam, because I don’t want anyone to see how silly I look talking with my head lying on my desk.)

Yesterday my sister got to use her partner Mike’s laptop which had a web cam, so I could watch her talking to me. She gave me a tour of her studio space in the living room and some of the paintings she’s been doing. It was amazing to be able to see her and talk to her at the same time, but when we got off Skype, I missed her so much it made my tummy hurt.

She and Mike were supposed to be in Panama today, but Mike works as a reporter for the Seattle P-I newspaper, which just yesterday announced it’s going up for sale – mostly likely shutting down – after 146 years of being in business. (That’s a long time, in a pioneer town like Seattle!) So they’ve delayed their trip until Mike figures out what’s going on with his job.

On a happier note, I just found out about an amazing upcoming exhibition, you will not be able to keep me away! I often think how nice it would be to pop up to Norfolk to see the St. Jude’s Gallery, but it’s coming to the Bankside Gallery, next to the Tate Modern, and featuring some of my favourite illustrators, including Jonny Hannah (who wrote and illustrated the fab book Hot Jazz Special with Walker Books), Angie Lewin (who does some of the most beautiful prints and textiles I’ve seen), and Christopher Brown, who was one of the guests lecturers at my art college and gave me lots of good advice. I don’t know the other artists so well, but I’m going to look them up because this gallery is showcasing remarkable talent, so I suspect they’re something pretty special, too: Jonathan Gibbs, Hand & Eye Letterpress, Mark Hearld, Old Town and Alice Stevenson.

Details: Mon, 22 Feb, 6-8pm opening; exhibition runs until Thurs, 12 Feb.
Bankside Gallery, 48 Hopton Street, London SE1 9JH. Open every day from 11am-6pm

Edit: Sarah learns another new thing about Skype: just because a friend in Australia has her green Skype light on, it doesn’t actually mean she’s awake. …Sorry, Annika!

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