game city on itv
Hey, my artwork showed up on telly! This is Nottingham Game City, where my DFC colleague John Aggs and studio mate Ellen Lindner and I spent two days painting murals. (Link via gamecity on Twitter.)
Thanks for the heads up yesterday from McQueGardens on Twitter about the amazing metal airship designs of concept artist Ian McQue. In this blog post, this drawing features a special carrier for sheep! Apparently this was inspired by a recent visit to the isle of Skye. So cool!
Sheep carrier by Ian McQue
If you go back a bit further on Ian’s blog, you can see some remarkable colour images inspired by Philip Reeve‘s Mortal Engines series (renamed The Hungry Cities Chronicles if you’re in the USA). My studio mate Lauren and I have read all six books, they’re brilliant. Go have a browse of Ian’s work. Or Philip’s blog, for that matter.
It’s been sad looking at news reports of severely flooded towns in Cornwall, exactly where my family went on holiday last summer. I doubt that if you’ve been affected, you’ll be reading this, as you’re weren’t even staying in your own home last night, but all the same, sending sympathy your way, and best wishes for the clean-up process. Some of Ian’s ships would come in handy down there.
Picture from the BBC website of the Eden Project cafe area yesterday
And a brief word about all this royal matrimonial business from the Queen Mum, who never really died over on David O’Connell’s blog. See Dave and loads of other comics people this Saturday in Leeds at Thought Bubble, where I’ll be meeting Gillian Rogerson, the writer of our picture book, You Can’t Eat a Princess! for the first time! And don’t forget to pick up a copy of Vern and Lettuce, or take part in creating its magazine, The Pickle!
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