funny art books, caustic captions

I’m working like a maniac on a picture book today, but I just had to show you this stuff I found when I came in to work. We have a bookshelf in the entrance lobby to the studio building where people sometimes leave books and magazines they don’t want anymore.

I was just leafing through one of them, from 1966, and it gave me such a giggle. There’s a list of editors in the front (including Henry Moore OM, The Duke of Bedford and Viscount Dunluce) but I’m very curious as to who wrote the photo captions. It sounds like some guy ran around taking pictures of what he thought were cool buildings, while another guy back in the office would look at the pages, smoking a stogey, with his feet up on the desk, and dictate to some bored secretary why the chosen buildings are a load of rubbish. I bet those dudes hated each other.

Here’s the caption, enlarged for your delectation:

PREPOSTEROUS! I love it. Here’s another one:

Why did they even bother?

I’m going to try to use the word phoney at least three times today. It sounds so Holden Caulfield.

Ha ha, these are so fabulous… I have to read a few more captions later.

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