DFC christmas streakers!
Today Vern and Lettuce met up for a quiet little comics office party, while Garen, Dave, Ellen and I went streaking through the streets of Brixton.
… Ha ha, no, the other way round (shame, that). The DFC Christmas double issue is HERE! And it looks fab!!! You can get lots of little peeks at it on the DFC website! Gary Northfield’s Little Cutie gets a full double-page spread, and you can read a newly posted interview of Gary on Anna Mondo’s blog. Ooh, and another one with Gary about Derek the Sheep on the Forbidden Planet blog.
And the other exciting thing today, I got to try quince jam! The reason this is exciting is that it was one of my four goals of things I wanted to do in England, the other three being animal sightings. (Seen a meadow lark, still need to see a live hedgehog and a badger.)
Here I am eating Ellen’s mother-in-law’s quince jam with hot scones in Ellen’s kitchen:
And here is our office party at a fab little pizza place in Brixton market:
(tozocomic, rainboworchid and ellenlindner)
For our Secret Santa gifts, we all made 2″x 2″ drawings and I got Dave’s! Ellen kindly models with it here:
Edit: You can see my little art piece on Garen’s blog here!
And one last thing, this morning I saw a mysterious message scrawled onto the pavement next to my post office. Whatever can it mean?
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