dear david lasky,
After dinner last night, I decided to sit down and make a comic from start to finish, even if it turned out a little messy. I based it on the letter I wrote to remarkable Seattle comics artist dlasky, but added a few extra bits. I hadn’t known what to put in my letter to him, but I realised the writing paper itself had a back story, so that’s what I wrote about. I going to try to print this up as a mini comic to sell at London’s Alternative Press Fair on Sunday, 1 Feb, near Euston station.
And good news! Yesterday I sent in the last of my artwork for my first UK picture book! It’s published by David Fickling (who publishes the DFC) and written by Giles Andreae. More news about that later! Now I am working like a maniac on a book I am doing for Scholastic UK, also very exciting.
PS Here is Mike’s mother’s blog and Mike’s brother’s comedy website.
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