cheltenham literary festival
I’m really excited to be part of this festival! (Gosh, it feels so grown up!) And to make it even better, I get to do it with my friend Garen Ewing (rainboworchid), so it should be good fun. Please do book tickets and come along if you’re in the area! I don’t think Paul Gravett’s going to be hosting it anymore (even though he set it up), but you can find details here.
That’s Garen’s picture from his book, The Rainbow Orchid, and I’ll be signing copies of Morris the Mankiest Monster.
Don’t miss the fascinating strips Darryl Cunninham‘s been doing lately, based on his work in a psychiatric unit. He’s tallguywrites on LiveJournal and you can read his latest strip here.
I’ve been a bit behind on morning sketches recently, but I am vowing to do one tomorrow! Although it may be a comics jam thingie with Gary and Viviane, we’ll see. They’re taking me out for a birthday brunch and things always get silly when we have toast.
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