camberwell ma degree show
Last night I went with tozocomic to see this year’s crop of master’s degree students at my old art college, including my friends Dan Fone (also my website designer) and trypanocorax. (Congratulations, guys!) Unfortunately, my brain was totally zombified by this stupid ongoing jet-lag, so I was pretty incoherent all evening and I missed a lot of stuff. So I’ll probably have to go back and have a look at the exhibition during the week. (Details here.) From what I’ve seen so far, the best of show went to Mark Long, with his Football Chants. I bought a copy of his Selected Football Chants, a gorgeous two-colour mini. But the one on display had every page screen printed, and it was pretty amazing. It reminds me a bit of Jonny Hannah‘s work, with the lettering and slightly naive, bold figures. (Hey, look, I drew Peter Crouch, too!)
Gwen Turner and Thomas Flintham also had some lovely work on display. Actually, I was really impressed with the whole illustration group, I think they’ve taken the quality up a notch from previous years’ shows. Do go see their work this week if you’re able, or visit their group website.
I wish I’d taken a photo of the entryway, which was covered in toast. And as I was going, Myles Calvert gave me my very own piece of varnished toast. I’ve seen toast art before, but I still thought it made for a memorable business card.
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