Author Archives: dan fone
staying sane with philippa perry
I went over to Clerkenwell Tales yesterday evening to hear Philippa Perry give a talk about her latest book, How to Stay Sane. I knew about Philippa because of her graphic novel, Couch Fiction, about her work as a psychotherapist, … Continue reading
greenwich green man
This morning, I planned to go to the park and draw landscape, but it was so peaceful sitting in the courtyard at the Royal Naval College that I decided to draw something there. I assumed this carved keystone head would … Continue reading
discover centre’s storycloud goes live!
Remember that MONSTERVILLE I mentioned in earlier blog posts, the monster village I designed with Ed Vere, Neal Layton and the Discover Children’s Story Centre in Stratford, east London? Well, this time the Discover gang paired me up with very … Continue reading
it’s all part of pop up!
Whoo hoo! The Pop Up Festival website is now LIVE!!! And besides the COMICS BIG-TOP OF AWESOME, look at all the other amazing things that are going on! Who are THESE people…? …Just a couple of the fine folk taking … Continue reading
this one’s for my dad
‘Darn it anyway’ is sort of my mother’s catch-phrase, ’cause she’s too polite to swear for real. My dad once made my sister and me sit in the car for two hours, right next to a park with swings. He … Continue reading
pop up festival: some awesome comics preparations!
Here’s the latest update on this AWESOME COMICS FESTIVAL for kids, families, and everyone that’s coming to London on Sat, 30 June! (You’ve marked your diary and and told all your friends, right?) So the way it’s been working is … Continue reading
elcaf this weekend!
I really want to go to ELCAF this weekend, it’s going to be amazing. I’m not absolutely sure if I’ll be able to, just because of crazy work schedule, but if you want to pick up amazing indie books, comics … Continue reading
cuteness overload in coventry with alex t. smith
Today I went up to Coventry for another storming pirate event, this time for the city’s very first literary festival, Literally Coventry. And one of the main planners was Sian Smith, Alex T. Smith‘s mum! I met Alex for the … Continue reading
pop up festival, sat, 30 june: MARK YOUR DIARIES!
Get ready for COMICS AWESOME! ‘Cos it’s coming to London, and very soon! Kids, teenagers, families, this is a great chance to meet some of Britain’s top comics creators, get stuck in and make a whole comic book with them! … Continue reading
pirates, goblins and comics hit the hay festival!
If you follow my blog, you might have noticed that I’d been at the Hay Festival in Wales last weekend to do a comic event for adults. Well, I went back! This time it was all about mucking in with … Continue reading
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