advent song doodle

A bunch of different things today! Here’s an interview I did for Dan Berry at The Comics Bureau, do go over and have a look! The Comics Bureau have been running a whole host of interviews with people in the comics community, including one with my studio mate Gary Northfield.

Congratulations to Darryl Cunningham for finishing his comic strip about climate change! You may have read his book about mental health issues, Psychiatric Tales; go over to his blog and read his strip. I’m sure, as always, it will garner loads of debate, and Darryl looks very fetching in his red snowsuit.

Here’s an extended doodle I did of an advent song I rather like. That is, I love the rousing first two lines of every verse, then after that, I think the tune wanders a bit. Charles Oakley wrote it in 1870, and it’s the sort of thing I bet gave Tolkien a buzz. I could have spent days putting together my little island. If I ever go to prison, designing islands and continents is one of the ways I will while away the time.

I finally managed to write and pencil my contribution to the Birdsong/Songbird comics anthology. (Find out about the first edition here.) I thought I wasn’t going to have time to do it, but I had a sudden burst of energy late last night and did it all at once, then finished it up in Greenwich Park this morning, using one of the trees as reference. It’s about a tree with passive-aggressive issues, and when I showed it to Gary just now, he burst out laughing, then told me I was totally mental.

One of the views I needed for the comic was looking toward the Royal Observatory, but the fog obscured it completely. Lovely morning, though. In places, the fog was so thick, I felt rather excitingly lost.

A bunch of the DFC crew and mates met up on Friday, and I got to see a folder of Rob Davis’s work on his graphic novel adapation of Don Quixote. So amazing! Here’s some original artwork he brought along. You can find out about his work-in-progress over on the SelfMadeHero website, read an interview with Rob over at The Comics Bureau and his Best of the Year Picks over on the FPI blog.

Keep an eye on the Super Comics Adventure Squad blog to see what the DFC gang get up to!

James Turner, Rob Davis, Gary Northfield

Not just stuff like this.

Faz Choudhury, Rob, Rian Hughes, Viviane Schwarz

Alex Milway, Gary, Rob’s friend Geraint

Just a few more foggy pictures from the park.

This one’s probably only for hard-core blog followers and Greenwich residents, but here’s how the park looks in the snow. (Link here thanks to the Greenwich Phantom.)

Greenwich in the Snow YouTube link

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