Monthly Archives: July 2009
stuff in print
Hey, cool, Al Maceachern saw this on the wall at his local train station and recognised my drawing! I hadn’t seen the poster, thanks for sending the photo, Al! And Scholastic’s magazine did a special article on comics, and how … Continue reading
stuart faces
I was looking at the imitations of French Stewart in the post by bottomlesspop, which made me laugh because they’re making the same face that British Stuart is doing in the painting by my sister. This morning I was trying … Continue reading
Hey, guess what, I got to meet Lucy Knisley! (That’s lucylou.) I’d always wanted to meet her and I’ve been reading her online comics for a few years now, but Chicago is a long way away, and then suddenly, there … Continue reading
hee hee, my mum & dad are on skype
Aww… aren’t they cute? (Especially my dad’s nose hairs.) I just got a web cam with my new ‘pooter, and my sister has one, too, so we can all have staring contests now. I called my sister the other day, … Continue reading
two questions
1. My new scanner programme is now giving me the options of 24, 48 and 64 bit RGB. Does anyone know what that means? What should I use for scanning things to print them? 2. Anyone have a good idea … Continue reading
first MORRIS review!
Giles and I just heard from our lovely publicist, Lauren Bennett, that the monthly Booksellers’ Choice picked our Morris the Mankiest Monster to review! Our first review for my first-ever book in the UK, so exciting! And ‘good’, if ‘most … Continue reading
the dentist and peter arno
I’m posting this link to Peter Arno because I found this book of his cartoons in Fensky’s little book and coffee shop in Seldovia and I want to come back later and find out more about him. He’s done a … Continue reading
more joy in the post!
Hooray, David Roberts is such a star! I just got this in the post, after speaking on a panel with him last week. When I opened the trollish parcel (the main character in his picture book, The Troll), I found … Continue reading
camberwell ma degree show
Last night I went with tozocomic to see this year’s crop of master’s degree students at my old art college, including my friends Dan Fone (also my website designer) and trypanocorax. (Congratulations, guys!) Unfortunately, my brain was totally zombified by … Continue reading
and just a bit more alaska
Here’s the last of my posts about Alaska (well, probably). Here’s a picture I drew of my family at dinner iin the Tidepool cafe in Seldovia. It was great to see them all. I just surprised my parents by calling … Continue reading
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