Monthly Archives: March 2007
cowboy dan
tube portrait
Here’s a guy with a cool Nigerian outfit that I sketched on the East London Line.
hail the supreme amateur
“Hmm, Annika. It’s a long day of invigilating at the gallery. Why don’t we make a video while we’re here? I’ve never even held a camcorder before. We could do all sorts of cool things, with funny angles and outtakes … Continue reading
waterloo private view
Here’s the piece, ‘Space Tourists’, I submitted for the show, with the Laura Ashley/Space Invaders frame. My photos didn’t come out brilliantly, but I’ll post a few. It was a fun evening. Thanks to everyone who came! 🙂 Layn Marlow … Continue reading
putting up the show
Only one more day until our exhibition at the Waterloo Gallery. Stop by for a drink on Monday night, 6-8:30pm!
stuff in my notebooks
Some doodles, including some preacher chicks and my friend Annika, when we were sketching each other after dinner last night in the Turkish cafe near college.
bollywood workout session
Yesterday evening I went with my friend Emma to Peckham Pulse for a Bhangra class. The teacher was a perky little Björk lookalike from Poland and we did our best to follow along with the dance routine. The stairmaster people … Continue reading
susan burghart, you totally rock!!!
Wow-wow-wow-wow-whOOIE!!! Guess what the postman brought to my door today! Susan, you are the absolute BEST! I shall hop to the occasion and make some good fat American pancakes, none of these little crêpe-y things with lemon. Last year my … Continue reading
happy birthday, miffy!
Lots of news today, but I’m heading off to a birthday party (hence the card image), having just been to see a Happy Birthday Miffy exhibition and the UK Web & Mini Comix Thing. I spent all day with a … Continue reading
making puppets with annika
We had a great time last night messing around with buttons and bits of cloth to make puppets for our tutor who is in hospital. We made funny little orifices for their mouths, but we realised we had to do … Continue reading
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